First and foremost, our pursuit for righteousness pleases God, because in our pursuit of righteousness, we find Him – the very definition and personification of righteousness Himself. This should always be our main motivation for everything in life. Yes, we know this. We live this. But what about those days when you wonder if it is even worth all of the effort and sacrifice?
When I was single, I was very much in love with Jesus, but every now and again I still had moments of doubt and discouragement. When I looked around at other single women in my environment, I would wonder, “Why, Lord, do I even bother?” If it was so easy for others to compromise; to speak of living for Jesus but living contradicting lifestyles; to indulge in sexual sin whilst single, what was the use?
It is in those private moments with Him that He is busy crafting your heart and shaping your character to perfectly fit that of your husband-to-be.
Today, being a wife, I am so grateful that God took me through that journey of perseverance, discouragement, discomfort and disappointment. Let me tell you that knowing my Saviour was proud of me was the most pleasing and fulfilling thing in the entire world – and it still is. But I realized that as a single woman, God not only took me on that journey to please Him, but also to prepare me to please my husband.
I have lost count of the number of times my husband has told me how pleased he is that I am not like most women in the world. Not a day goes by that he does not reminisce about the day he found me and how at first glance, my virtue blew him away. Not a day goes by without him thanking God in prayer for his virtuous wife. He is grateful for me, he is proud to call me his wife…and he is convinced that his journey, too, was totally worth it when he looks at me and observes my ways and my relationship with the Lord.
I want to encourage you to keep fighting the good fight of faith. Keep pursuing Jesus with all your heart, all your soul and with all your mind. It is in those private moments with Him that He is busy crafting your heart and shaping your character to perfectly fit that of your husband-to-be. Enjoy the process, knowing that as you are reading this, the Lord is lovingly preparing your husband for you, too.
Each day I am amazed at how accurate God was when He created both my husband and I – just for each other. We fit like a glove. Our character, our personalities, our spiritual gifts all complement one another. I cannot even put into words how much God pays attention to detail. Right now, God is perfecting you for your husband. So, when you feel like giving up, remember that your marriage will bear the fruits of the battles that you are facing now as a single woman – and it will all be worth it.
Your husband will appreciate the fact that you pursue Jesus with all the passion you have. He will appreciate the fact that you chose to wait for marriage before having sex – he will appreciate the fact that you waited for him, even though you did not know him. He will love and respect you more because you chose to honour God in such an intimate way. He will be proud to walk by your side, to hold your hand, to show you off. You will be his pride and joy, his virtuous wife, his crown. Wait on God’s timing, and be joyful while you wait; for in due time he will find you, and it will all be worth it. Not perfect, just worth it. In the meantime, get closer to Jesus, your first love. Continue to grow in spirit, continue to renew your mind, continue allowing God to transform your heart and make you the kind of wife your future husband needs.
“Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires.” – Psalm 37 v 4