The Season Of The Girl

Towards the end of 2017, God began to speak to me about arising. I had been going through some things that required me to make a decision – was I going to let life overtake me, or was I going to be bold and courageous, as God commanded me, and rise up? Was I going to keep being discouraged, or was I going to fight my battles in the spirit? I decided to arise, rather than to crumble – little did I know then that this would turn into a seasonal word for God’s daughters.

For the past few months it’s really been stirring in my spirit that this is a season where God is calling His daughters to arise; to take up their sword and fight the good fight of faith. To become more aware of who they were created to be. I kept seeing images and visions of queens and crowns; warriors and swords – women of God rising up and living out their purpose. I saw women, especially those flowing in the apostolic and prophetic anointing, being used mightily by God to bring about a wave of the supernatural.

I see the Lord raising up peculiar women; marked by faith, virtue, valor and strength who will impact their generation mightily. They will usher in a return to purity and holiness; the fear and reverence of our Holy God. I see women who will preach the Gospel with both purity of heart and simplicity, with signs and wonders following. I see women who will be radical in their pursuit of Jesus; persistent in the things of faith and the Kingdom of God.

Woman of strength and valor, I call forth the warrior in you. I call forth the queen in you.

Get ready to step into purpose. Be bold and courageous. War in the spirit and don’t let up until you have seen God’s promises come to pass.

I wrote this blog post a few weeks ago and just last night, Apostle Ryan LeStrange gave a word on Facebook Live – I was shook because he was saying everything God had been speaking to me about regarding the Proverbs 31 Woman, the Chayil Woman and God calling His daughters to arise. Please do yourself a favour and watch it here – it will change your life!

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