Sons of God, Protect Your Anointing

We usually start reading Proverbs 31 from verse 10, which speaks of the virtuous wife, but if we read from the first verse, we will see that it’s actually a continuation of the words taught to King Lemuel by his mother. Many believe that Lemuel was actually a nickname given to King Solomon by his mother, and if so, his mother would have been Bathsheba. This makes Proverbs 31 an encouragement for men; to warn them against things that cause great men to stumble and to teach them what to look for in a godly wife. Most of all, it teaches them what kind of men they need to be.

Men have just as much to gain from reading Proverbs 31 – if not more. The chapter starts off with an encouragement to men to live a pure life, and to not be enticed by ungodly women and drunkenness. It urges them to fight for justice and to stand up for the rights of the innocent. As a mother to a boy myself, I can see and feel the emotion in the words of King Lemuel’s mother. It’s the desire of every godly mother’s heart that her son live in the ways of the Lord, be vigilant to the traps of the enemy and marry a godly woman.

Ultimately, Proverbs 31 is an encouragement for guys to become men who are worthy of the kind of woman described in verses 10-31. It’s not just any man who is able to win the heart of such a woman, which indicates that he himself needs to be a man of virtue.

Sons of God, I urge you to protect your anointing. Learn from men in the Bible who despite their greatness, in moments of weakness, allowed the enemy to steal from them. In the words of King Solomon himself, “there is nothing new under the sun” – the devil is still using women, drunkenness and lust to trap men of God into forfeiting their destiny.

Some of the most powerful and influential men in the Bible were overtaken by weakness for women: Samson and Delilah (Judges 16); King David and Bathsheba (2 Samuel 11); King Solomon and his seven hundred wives and three hundred concubines (1 Kings 11). They turned from God, didn’t protect their strength (God’s supernatural empowerment, which is the anointing), and their actions had drastic consequences.

Having the wrong woman in your life can take you off God’s course for your future. Women have the greatest influence on the men in their lives, which is why it’s of utmost importance to marry a woman who loves Jesus and puts Him first in her life. A woman who lives in awe and reverence for God (Proverbs 31 v 30), and who will help keep you on the narrow road.

Ultimately, Proverbs 31 is an encouragement for guys to become men who are worthy of the kind of woman described in verses 10-31. It’s not just any man who is able to win the heart of such a woman, which indicates that he himself needs to be a man of virtue. It’s a guideline to show men what God expects from them: they ought to have the heart of a king; pursue God, live a pure life and lead their family. If you share your anointing with the right kind of woman; she will keep you accountable, push you closer to Christ and love you in such a deep way that it inspires you to be the best version of yourself. Protect your anointing at all costs!

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